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43. Tartu Rattaralli

Tartu Rattaralli can be considered as a mainly flat race, although the road will always go slightly up and down. The sharpest hill on the course comes after 86km and is 900m long at 3.5% average.  Total elevation is only 700m for a 126km distance.

The start and finish are given at the Turu Street in the city center of Tartu and will have closed roads in the city center and in other major centers in smaller villages. In between, incoming road traffic is put on the side of the road by the many policemen and motor marshals. The event is often ridden in larger groups who are accompanied by a moto.

There is also a shorter 56km event who is not qualifying for the UCI Gran Fondo World Championships. The start of the main event is at 11.00am.

Tartu (Estonia)
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